By Adam Roberts – 3/12/2021
Following the example of other sports stadiums and arenas across the country, Lambeau Field will open as a community COVID-19 vaccine site.
The Packers, Brown County Public Health and Bellin Health are working to offer vaccines at Lambeau on March 17th. Vaccines will be given in the Lambeau Field Atrium and the site is only open to people eligible to receive the vaccine in Wisconsin. Eligibility is expanding in the state at the end of the month to include people 16 and older with certain medical conditions.
The Department of Health Services confirmed yesterday that people won’t have to show any documentation that they suffer from one of the 20 health conditions that are considered criteria to be eligible. This could be why Lambeau will serve as a site, due to the massive number of newly eligible individuals expected to apply for vaccines (some estimates are around 2 million new people in the state).